This is THE gold standard in professional movie production
I have been a Final Cut user for many years and this is my first review:
When I switched to the Mac from a Windows PC back in 2007, Apple offered a discount version of this app called, “Final Cut Express HD” as a package when ordering a new Macintosh.
That was basically Final Cut with training wheels, so to speak.
Back then, if you wanted the full application, it would cost $999.99 at retail price that never went on sale.
Many years later, when Apple invented the Mac App Store, Final Cut Pro was offered for an insanely great price of only $299.00 that made the App Store concept a real winner for me!
Fast forward to today.
I love being a Mac user!
Part of the Mac experience is great software that enables me to be as creative as my imagination allows.
Final Cut Pro X is a really powerful and flexible movie editor that offers rich visual editing with a dynamic timeline that is a blessing to work with to create the most amazing movies you can possibly imagine.
Learning is a bit tricky in this update because the layout has changed.
I often find myself trying to reorient myself to the new layout even though I have been using it for years.
The inspector is just as powerful as ever and you will love using it.
If you started out with iMovie like I did many years ago, you are in for a treat!
Two companion apps that I highly recommend, Compressor and Motion are an incredible value at only $50 bucks each!
If the reason you are reading this review is because of the price, then fear not!
I am using this on a Mac mini and it works great!
This app is exclusive to the Mac experience to help unleash you creativity as a movie producer.
Recomended: Yes
TechTalkGuy about
Final Cut Pro, v10.3