It just keeps getting better!
I was one of the people when final cut changed from 7 to X - I was shocked and so bummed! Today I have to eat my words because Apple has continually made this product better and better. Release 10.3 is incredible and has totally converted me from using the other editing apps and I have used them all believe me, starting with edit droid, radius edit, avid, media 100, and premiere. The new audio features are beyond anything you would typically see in an editing app. This new functionaly dramatically simplifies the process of complicated multitrack audio edits. So many editors these days are expected to do everything as a one man band with the audio always becomes the messy stepchild of video. Final Cut 10.3 has addresssed these issues and made editing audio a breeze. I have an old 2011 imac that is ancient but FCPX running on Sierra is lightening fast. I can’t imagine how fast the cutting is on the newer imacs with retina displays. The new interface design is clean and highly fucntional. The ability to create custom workspaces is a dream for maximizing the layout for utimate efficiency.
If you have never given Final Cut X a try or got weirded out by the foreigness of the new paradigm, I beg you to give it another chance. I have given so many editor friends of mine this challenge and converted just as many. When you surrender to its power and allow yourself to work in its forward thinking framework, you will be amazed what speed and functionality it can bring to your edits.
Keep up the great work Apple I look forward to what you will reveal next!
Belief it or Not about
Final Cut Pro, v10.3