This is a MAJOR step up in overall performace and everyone should update. EVERYTHING is faster and MUCH more responsive. The new render engine is AWESOME. Multiple codecs and video files ranging from iPhone footage up to 6k RED are playing seeemlessly together within the same project, (timeline) - it’s really stellar!
That said, here’s the minor snafus I’ve come across:
• Workspace Layouts ARE STILL NOT 100% customizable, even though it appears as if Apple is advertising it that way. Can’t seem to get the browser and the timeline on the same secondary display - it’s either one or the other.
• Some filters on older timelines are a little buggy and may need to be accessed through keyboard shortcuts - or - by closing the browser panel. In example, an older color correction filter needed to be opened up using the magic wand “show color board” button rather then directly through the effects panel. Every similar instance I’ve found a quick workaround for and so far it only applies to filters from previous generations.
• If you are using two displays, it seems the mouse gets confused from time to time if the mouse goes from the timeline - crosses over the browser panel - then lands on the effects panel. It seems to think you want to be in the browser rather then the effects panel. This is annoying. It can also automatically trigger a change in the clip preview monitor where as it goes to 100% instead of “fit”. Annoying, yes, but the other improvemnts make the upgrade worth it.
• The broadcast safe filter changed and is confusing now.
• Not sure if it’s my display preventing it, but I’m not seeing Rec 2020 in projects - even though it’s been switched on in the project preferences - but I can export Rec 2020. Would be cool if it could notify me exactly why Rec 2020 is not available while editing.
• The timeline scaling tool has been removed and is located under the clip apperence button only now. That means alot more zooming in and out of the timeline with the zoom tool instead.
• The background tasks display isnt as obvious as we’ve been used to.
• They STILL haven’t put right clicking to good use. Would be great if it could become customizable.
All in all great job! Would love to give someone at Apple more specific ideas to try though.
rick_fitz about Final Cut Pro, v10.3