I must say, I’ve been an Apple fanboy for quite some time now. I have never spoken ill of this company or their products, ever, until this point. This is the biggest piece of garbage out there. I’ve used a plethora of editing suites in my personal life and professional career, this makes Windows Movie Maker look incredible. I’ve used Adobe, Avid, Matrox, FCP 7, and Velocity (an awful news editing platform made by former Harris, now Imagine Communications.) This one takes the cake for biggest piece of junk. If you’re a consumer and only intend on using it for home movies shot on your iPhone or iPad, it may work, I have my doubts though. I used FCP 7 for the past 3 years professionally until I couldn’t hold on any longer (buggy, crashing, slow).
The company I work for set me out to find an editor / compositor that would meet the needs of a multitude of workflows. i.e.. commerical and promotional production as well as news editing. If you work in either one of these fields avoid this software like the plague. We purchased a copy of this program; FCP, and the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (Premeiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, etc.). We’ve decided to go with the later. This latest version of Apple’s flagship editor seems to be designed to make editors lazy. Which is great, yay, you don’t have to properly name your clips or organize things in any reasonable manner. Try using offline storage or archieving projects only to be faced with headaches and frustration when you try to bring them back online or when they (Apple) decides to do an update that changes and restructions the way they store your files. Search (.fcpprojects and .fcpevents just to see how much confusion they’ve already managed to create with a “simple update”). The team that set out to create the world’s best editor has failed miserably and it’s definitely not designed in the usual Apple, easy-to-use, fashion. If you plan on making money and create something of value from editing / compositing, move on to another piece of software. I’ve always been able to justify the cost of all the Apple products I’ve purchased for myself and on behalf of the company I work for, unfortunately this time I can’t even justify $300, they should offer this for free to consumers and actually put out a real editor for professionals, something more consistant with FCP 7.
Sorry Apple.
Apple Fanboy13 about Final Cut Pro, v10.1.3